MiMeS examples
C++ example
Write the following in a subdirectory of MiMeS (e.g. in MiMeS/UserSpace/example.cpp ).
#include < iomanip >
using numeric = long double;//make life easier if you want to change to double
int main(){
mimes::util::Timer _timer_;//use this to time it!
// use chi_PATH to interpolate the axion mass.
mimes::AxionMass < numeric > axionMass(chi_PATH,0,mimes::Cosmo < numeric >::mP);
/*set $\maT^2$ for $T\geq T_{\rm max}$*/
numeric TMax=axionMass.getTMax(), chiMax=axionMass.getChiMax();
[&chiMax;,&TMax;](numeric T, numeric fa){ return chiMax/fa/fa*std::pow(T/TMax,-8.16);}
/*set $\maT^2$ for $T\leq T_{\rm min}$*/
numeric TMin=axionMass.getTMin(), chiMin=axionMass.getChiMin();
[&chiMin;,&TMin;](numeric T, numeric fa){ return chiMin/fa/fa;}
/*this path contains the cosmology*/
std::string inputFile = std::string(rootDir)+
/*declare an instance of Axion*/
mimes::Axion < numeric, 1, RODASPR2 < numeric > > ax(0.1, 1e16, 500, 1e-4, 1e3, 10, 1e-2,
inputFile, &axionMass;, 1e-2, 1e-8, 1e-2, 1e-10, 1e-10, 0.85, 1.5, 0.85,
int(1e7) );
/*solve the EOM!*/
<<"theta_i="<<ax.theta;_i<<std;::setw(25)<<"f_a="<<ax.fa;<<" GeV\n"<<"theta_osc~="<<ax.theta;_osc
<<std;::setw(20)<<"T_osc~="<<ax.T;_osc<<"GeV \n"<<"Omega h^2="<<ax.relic;<<"\n";
return 0;
This script is simply run as python example.py . The output should look like:
theta_i=0.1 f_a=1e+16 GeV
theta_osc~=0.045618 T_osc~=0.059194GeV
Omega h^2=0.1224
Python example
Write the following in a subdirectory of MiMeS (e.g. in MiMeS/UserSpace/example.py ).
#you need these in order to print the time it took to run main in stderr
from time import time;
from sys import stderr
#add the relative path for MiMeS/src (we assume here that this script is one birectory below the root of MiMeS)
from sys import path as sysPath; sysPath.append('../src')
from interfacePy.AxionMass import AxionMass #import the AxionMass class
from interfacePy.Axion import Axion #import the Axion class
from interfacePy.Cosmo import mP #import the Planck mass from Cosmo
def main():
# AxionMass instance
axionMass = AxionMass(r'../src/data/chi.dat',0,mP)
# define $\maT^2$ for $T\leq T_{\rm min}$
TMin, chiMin=axionMass.getTMin(), axionMass.getChiMin()
axionMass.set_ma2_MIN( lambda T,fa: chiMin/fa/fa )
# define $\maT^2$ for $T\geq T_{\rm max}$
TMax, chiMax=axionMass.getTMax(), axionMass.getChiMax()
axionMass.set_ma2_MAX( lambda T,fa: chiMax/fa/fa*pow(TMax/T,8.16))
#in python it is more convenient to use relative paths
ax = Axion(0.1, 1e16, 500, 1e-4, 1e3, 10, 1e-2, inputFile, axionMass,
1e-2, 1e-8, 1e-2, 1e-10, 1e-10, 0.85, 1.5, 0.85, int(1e7))
print(" theta_i=",ax.theta_i,"\t\t\t\t","f_a=",ax.fa," GeV\n","theta_osc~=",
ax.theta_osc,"\t","T_osc~=",ax.T_osc,"GeV \n","Omega h^2=",ax.relic)
#once we are done we should run the destructor
del ax,axionMass
if __name__ == '__main__':
This script is simply run as python example.py . The output should look like:
theta_i= 0.1 f_a= 1e+16 GeV
theta_osc~= 0.04561752103101018 T_osc~= 0.05919445773033808 GeV
Omega h^2= 0.12239928594726415