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Welcome to the HEPForge page of MiMeS

For the moment, you can read the RADME file on github. Also, have a look at the documentation, which should be available on arXiv. The documentation is updated regularly, so it is a good idea to get it directly from the MiMeS github repository.

Get MiMeS

There are several way to get MiMeS:

  • Verison 1.0.0 is available on hepforge, and can be download it by running wget -c https://mimes.hepforge.org/downloads/MiMeS-1.0.0.tar.gz -O - | tar -xz.
  • In order to get the most updated stable version run git clone -b stable https://github.com/dkaramit/MiMeS.git.
  • Once downloaded, you can run bash configure and make. This will compile the shared libraries needed to run MiMeS in python, as well as several examples that can be found in MiMeS/UserSpace. You can also some simple examples here.

    Go to Compile-time choices

    Go to C++ classes

    Go to Python classes